Customer Quote
"It was fun and generally less painful than a lot of online tests. I was surprised that my indecisiveness didn't bother me more, but maybe that was because of the wide array of answer options (instead of just true/false)."
Anne, Winona, Winona County, Minnesota
Customer Quote
"It was fun and made me laugh and made me realize I am a nice person whatever anyone else thinks. "
Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Functional Questions
Click here to send an email to one of our Customer Care Representatives.
Did you really decode romantic chemistry? |
We have found a pattern of personality traits which always exists in high chemistry long-term married couples and in new couples who have just met and feel an incredible natural attraction. We are constantly looking for more traits that correlate to or affect our findings, though our successes in matching high-chemistry couples seem to show that we've got most, if not all, of the answer.
You and everyone around you are giving off personality signals all the time, and you are tuned to receive your match's signals better than anyone else's. That's why high chemistry couples report knowing within a few minutes that there is chemistry between them. We have trained our Personality Experts and our personality test to be receptive to all the different types of signals involved in that communication.
What are the traits? What's the pattern? |
The questions on our extensive personality profile test explore your attitudes and tendencies in love, social style, family, money, relationships, ambition, and self-perception, to name a few. We take into account core values - the things that help you direct and manage your priorities - as well as your beliefs, relational skills and techniques, and the way you react to the individual experiences that have made you who you are.
It is important to remember that there are no wrong answers to these questions. The test is designed to detect patterns in your responses, so don't worry about getting every answer exactly "right". Go with your first instinct and be honest. We've removed most of the judging bias from the way the questions are stated, so you're much more likely to answer our questions honestly and accurately.
I'm afraid the personality test questions will be too personal. |
Your answers are kept confidential, and your complete profile results will only be viewable to you, not to other users including your matches. Your matches will be able to view only the parts of your profile that you fill in yourself to help them get to know you better. So don't worry if your profile is 'scarily accurate' -- you can choose whether to share the insights you will gain about yourself with your matches if you wish, or keep them entirely to yourself!
When people can answer honestly and comfortably their results are much more reliable. These test questions were tested on 65,000 people, and any questions which made people too uncomfortable to answer honestly were removed. The resulting personality profiling system is fun and light while remaining thorough and accurate.
The personality test is long! |
The eChemistry test is made up of 224 fun, fully animated and thought provoking questions. Each question tells us a little more about your unique personality, and every one is necessary to ensure the accuracy of your results.
We initially began with a much larger set of questions which, with the help of a control group of 65,000 people, have been narrowed down to those that that most efficiently and accurately affect your final personality profile. eChemistry delivers accuracy and results in our profiling and matching, and in order for us to deliver we need to know you better than you know yourself.
If you are unable to finish the test in one sitting, stopping and restarting the test easy. You may do so as many times as you'd like, even on different days.
How much does the site cost? |
This is what you can do at eChemistry for free:
- Take the personality profile test
- Receive and read through your personalized results
- Be expertly matched with other users
- View your matches' profiles and pictures (you must upload a picture of your own to see other users' pictures, but that is also free)
- Send and receive "winks" to and from other users
- Receive email from other users
Our membership cost is much lower than those of other online dating or matching services. Full membership is $10 per month ($50 per year) and includes the ability to send personal emails to other users. Membership plan details can be found here.
I'm totally new to online dating, how do I find true love? |
The steps to finding love with eChemistry are simple:
- Register here.
- Take the Personality Profile Test. (It takes about 30 minutes, and you can save and return where you left off as often as you like.)
- Check your email for your password, which will be emailed to you immediately. You may change your password at anytime after your initial login.
- (Optional): Upload a photo -- especially if you want to be able to look at photos of other users.
- Your matches will be listed on the "My Matches" page, which is the default page you will see upon logging in.
- Review your matches. If you find someone interesting you may wish to click on the "wink" button to send a note to that user inviting them to look at your profile.
- If they are also interested in your profile, they may 'wink' back at you. Their return winks are sent directly to your email inbox. Winks are sent directly from us -- we never reveal your email address or other personal information.
- If you wish to contact your matches using our guided communication process, you can buy a full membership for $10 per month (or $50 per year). This will enable you to write unlimited emails to all of your matches.
- We recommend emailing back and forth for a while to see if there is chemistry between you and your match(es). You may then wish to either talk on the phone or meet in person. To maintain your privacy, all contact and meet up details should be exchanged through your eChemistry account. Your phone number, email address, home address and other personal information will be kept private by eChemistry until you decide to share them yourself.
- If you decide to meet, do so in a public place. Do not give away your home address, your phone number, your last name, your place of work or any other personally identifying information until you are comfortable with the other person.
- If you hit it off and feel mutual chemistry, you can use the eChemistry system to communicate as long as you're a paid member.
- If you fall in love, close your accounts and live happily ever after!
Why do I have so few matches? |
You may consider yourself picky when it comes to choosing who you date. We're even pickier. It's uncommon to find someone you truly click with, immediately as well as long-term. We only match you with those with whom we are highly confident you will feel chemistry, so your pool will be a smaller group of people than you'll get on bulk matching sites that match you with everyone who logs on. If you wish to increase your number of matches, consider expanding your preferences and matching criteria, including the geographical area you're looking in (Click here to change your geographical area or login, go to My Matches, then Match Preferences, then Location). You never know, you might find someone who's worth the drive!
What is Flash Animation? |
Our site uses state-of-the-art animation technology to make every page more fun and compelling. The browser extension which allows you to view animations is totally free, does not cause you to see any ads and is not spyware. To install Flash, click here and follow the step-by-step instructions.
How do I change my match preferences (age, location, etc?) |
We give you complete control over the standard details about the people you're matched with. By going to your Match Preferences page you can edit the age, height, race, smoking, alcohol, number of children, languages, education, politics, religion and location of your matches. Of course, we'll still only match you with people who have a personality that you're likely to feel chemistry with. We recommend being as open minded as possible in setting your preferences -- your match may not arrive in quite the package you expected!
How do I upload pictures for my profile? |
Attaching photos to your profile creates more interest in your profile and allows you to view other user's photos. To add more photos, go to the "Edit My Profile" page and click in the photo area where it says, "Click here to upload a picture" to manage all your photo settings. Or, visit the
Manage Photos page.
How do I change the text I wrote for my profile? |
Editing your profile text is easy. Login to your account and click the "My Account" button near the top of the page. Or, click here: Edit My Profile
What types of payment do you accept? |
Payments are the last thing on our mind right now, we have to get true love out to all humanity as fast as possible! We will soon offer payment options by credit card, electronic check and Paypal.
For a limited time, everything on the site is free!
Why are my matches not writing back? |
Users who write to all of their matches tend to have the most success. Your matches are able to write you back even if they haven't purchased a subscription. If you don't receive a response from a match to whom you've written, it may be for any number of reasons. People may go on vacation, forget to take down their profiles when they first start dating someone else, some people are looking for weird quirky things that no one is actually going to have in their profiles. The main point is, don't take it personally if everyone you write doesn't write you back. Write to several people and the right people will write you back. The more you write in your introductory note, particularly if you comment on things they wrote in their profile, the more likely it is that they'll write you back.
How do I cancel my subscription? |
You can choose to subscribe to eChemistry monthly or yearly. To our knowledge, we are the only paid membership dating site on the Internet which doesn't force you into a subscription; we want you to have options. Choosing no subscription is a convenient option for those who wish to pay month-by-month or who wish to try eChemistry for a month or longer before committing to a yearly subscription. Our year-long subscription rate offers a substantial discount over the monthly rate - a savings of almost 60%.
We make canceling your subscription easy. Login, go to My Account, then Membership Status and look for the "Cancel Subscription" button near the middle of the page. If you paid initially with Paypal, a link to Paypal will appear where you can cancel your automated payments to us.
How do I suspend / delete my account? |
If you're simply looking to end a recurring payment subscription then go to Manage Subscription.
Hopefully you're closing your account because you've found true love on eChemistry. If you have, please send a long, detailed note to so we can add your story to our success stories page! Attach a picture of the two of you if you can.
If you want to suspend matching of your account to others, but not delete it altogether, then go to Contact Settings and choose the "Suspend My Account" option.
If you want to permanently delete your account then go here.